Projected 1st Grade Curriculum

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Another successful day!

But I have a couple questions for any veteran homeschool moms that may be reading this...

1) Our lapbook pieces aren't staying on very well with an Elmer's gluestick...what do you use?!

2) Marshall is plowing through the dinosaur unit! I planned on it taking about 2 weeks, but at the rate he's going (3 1/2 hours today!) we'll be done by Friday. Do you slow it down, or let them go? I guess I better get my tush in gear for the next unit study!

Also...a Dinosaur Unit Resources post is in the works!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

What about glue one would use for scrapbooking? I love them because they're so easy and not messy at all!